The blog of CNN's Nancy Grace

All about Nancy Grace

On Nancy Grace: The Truth about Casey Anthony and Caylee Anthony’s Death.

HLN Nancy Grace show is a nationally syndicated talk show about crime aired each evening at 8 p.m. E.T.

Recently, a woman wrote a comment on The Blog of Nancy Grace in which she stated, “I watch Nancy Grace so I can get the facts of the case,” in reference to Casey Anthony or as Nancy Grace refers to her “tot mom”. I asked her why she needed the facts of “the case” to which I have still not received a reply.

Once a tragedy such as this, the murder of an infant, has been reported, why does anyone other than those actually involved such as attorneys and relatives, need facts about the case? Probably for the same reason they “need to know” how Michael Jackson “really died”. Curiosity and a need for good old entertainment. So if one wants the facts, why would one watch a show that really gives you no facts at all. The Nancy Grace show, most often, has only speculation as in the recent “Haleigh Cummings” sighting that turned out to be nothing more than a person of no credibility wanting a moment of fame.

There could be a lot of reasons you watch HLN’s, Nancy Grace show. Similarly, there could be many reasons you are concerned about The Casey Anthony case. After all, Caylee must not have died in vain. Right? It’s safe to say we all want justice where a little girl has been wronged and in this case brutally murdered. No one deserve that especially an innocent child. But why do you, if you do, take it so personally? There is a family on Word Press that talks about Caylee Anthony every day to get more hits on their blog which showcases their own children. On occasions when they do not discus the Caylee Anthony tragedy, they still have “Caylee Anthony” in their key words. More over, they have all the Anthony family in their tags. Why? Because they want to show you how normal and wonderful their family is.

Nancy Grace once stated that she could not understand how someone would not attend to a hurt child immediately in reference to suspicion that Caylee would have had some accident and been hurt. She followed her comment with the story of how when her son fell and hurt himself, she ran into the street screaming for a cab. So, Nancy actually wanted to let her audience know that she was a better mother than an accused child murderer. Her main point was that you should believe what she says because she’s good. Nancy Grace often thinks like a child with the tongue of a demon. Nancy Grace and her seven personalities, are nothing more than an act playing off of your hunger for “the facts”. She’s right about that; you do want facts. But where ARE the facts? She promises breaking news. Nancy Grace promises facts. She asks, WHERE IS LITTLE ______” But nothing she has done on her show has ever led to finding a missing child.

So, why ARE you concerned with little Caylee? Because Nancy makes it seem that you should be? Everyone should be informed as long as they agree with Nancy Grace “Twin Tot Mom” because even the most prominent defense attorneys are incompetent according to Nancy Grace. Nancy even fake cries to convince everyone that it’s important to know what happened to Caylee Anthony. But what might you say if I told you that it isn’t important that you know nor is it important that I know what happened to Caylee Anthony? I frankly do not care what happened to Caylee: if Casey killed her, what Cindy thinks, what George said or what the trial attorney’s are saying prior to the actual trial. I don’t care what the media has said or will say and I don’t care because in my life it makes no difference and because I can’t make a difference in their lives either.

So once again, why are you concerned with what actually happened to Caylee Anthony? What if Casey did Kill her daughter. How will that change your life? What if Casey is hiding the fact that a “one night stand” killed Caylee? How will that effect you? Here’s one for you. What if Casey’s drug dealer had threatened to kill her if she talked about how Caylee was actually killed? What if her drug dealer was sending her a message by killing Caylee? That’s what I think really happened. Why else would she never speak of the truth to even her closest and dearest relatives? Why were some of Caylee’s most personal effects present with the body and why was a sticker put OVER HER MOUTH? Something over someone’s mouth symbolizes that they should be quiet—-not speak. If this does not look like a message to Casey, what does it mean? So how far fetched is it that she has no choice because if she does reveal the truth, she’ll be killed. I can’t think of any other reason, can you? She probably owed someone a lot of money. This person was waiting for her to pay him or her. The money didn’t come in time to save Caylee. Casey went out partying to try to ignore and forget. Her mind became ill with guilt and defense mechanisms took over. She knew she had causes her daughter’s death and she needed life to be beautiful again, hence her new tattoo. She didn’t kill Casey. But she can’t tell us what really happened. That would be a definite death sentence and possibly for her parents as well. After all, someone already killed her baby.

But, what is the point of knowing? Why do I need to speculate? The answer is quite simple. I don’t. And neither do you. This should be left up to the detectives who are working the case in the real world–not the Nancy Grace entertainment world. That world is more dangerous than we may know. It influences our opinions and thinking such that bad things may come of it. Why?– Because there aren’t real facts being presented.

The Nancy Grace entertainment hour in which she screams at guests and berates parents is brilliant in that it sells commercial time for big money. But, to gain some important perspective, an entertainment hour is really all it is. So when a woman or man tells me “I want to get the facts of the case” I have to laugh. I think they are either stupid or delusional. There are no facts and there really is no “case” at least not in the fantasy world of the Nancy Grace Hour. If you actually care about a child you have never met, never known and who is now deceased enough to crave information on a daily basis, at least get your news from a credible source. I watch Nancy Grace sometimes. Because of this blog, I watch her more often. Although this blog is about Nancy Grace and nothing but Nancy Grace, I still do not watch Nancy Grace every night. I have not watched her show in two nights and I’m sure I didn’t miss a thing. If there was one actual fact revealed about any case on Twin Tot Mom’s show, you could have gotten that same news a day earlier by picking up a paper. If for the first time in the history of the Nancy Grace show, there was actually some breaking news or “urgent breaking news” be sure to let us know. And to my point, that you really don’t need to know anything Nancy Grace talks about during her hour of fame, what makes the “breaking news” so urgent? Is there anything we viewers can do to make the situation better? Do you see the manipulative psychology here? “Urgent” means something that requires immediate attention. So, it makes you feel good about yourself if her producers consider you so important that they call the news they deliver to you “urgent”. It’s urgent that YOU know. And some of you such as the lady who wrote to me who I referenced at the beginning of this article buy into it and think you “need” to know the “facts of the case”

Has our society become so sick that all we can do is eat things that companies tell us are good that actually kill us, watch things that don’t really matter because we think they do and talk about things ad nauseum that we can have no effect on good or bad? My wife went to a European health food store yesterday and purchased many “sweet things” such as cookies and candy and cereal. They have less then 25% of the sugar, on average, than their American produced counterparts. Some of them are from Italy, some from other parts of Europe. Why do Americans eat 80 pounds of sugar / year? Because the companies that advertise tell us to. Why do you care about a child who was murdered that you will never know and never did know? Because someone told you to. In this case it was Nancy Grace.

In short, we have a choice because this is The United States of America. If you let big business that spends millions of dollars on advertising dictate what you eat, do and watch you will have high blood pressure, die of cancer or a heart attack and be a social hermit who relies on sick media like HLN that exists solely to make money by selling advertising, for your perception of reality.

Will you just sit there eating cheese balls and drinking cola? Will you find something in the world that really can help you have a true understanding of your world?Do you know what the senate does? Do you understand what the role of a congressman is? Do you know the name of the Surgeon General of the United States? Probably not, but you do know what Casey Anthony said to Cindy Anthony a month ago.

It’s your turn to talk now. You have the power to not waste time believing that watching something like Nancy Grace is “important”. There are things that are important. Find them.

You have the power to turn off the opium. First you have to see it for what it is. Nancy Grace and Sugar. That’s what I’m talking about. Neither will make you richer or better looking and most importantly, neither will make you more knowledgeable. Quality thought can only come from reading and watching something of quality.

I will be the first person to admit that I like white bread more than any other kind of bread. I even like it with bologna and mayo. Why? Because I was trained to like it. Our children like Count Chocula for the same reason. It’s at their eye level in the supermarket for the same reason. Consumer manipulation. Change is difficult. But in the long run, it really is worth it. Ironically, in endeavoring to become informed, many of us buy into buying into what we’re told we should know, like and buy. After all, if you believe that Nancy Grace brings you any actual “breaking news” you probably would believe it if she told you or if one of her advertisers told you that eating sugar coated sugar is good for you.

So, one reader wrote to me the other day to let me know that she “eats a healthy diet” and she “eats no junk food” She also watches Nancy Grace to get “the facts of the case”. This article is for her. I rest my case.

September 12, 2009 Posted by | Casey Anthony, Caylee Anthony, Nancy Grace | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 16 Comments

On Nancy Grace and Haleigh Cummings

The following is a reader’s opinion: Originally posted on another blog

Dana in San Diego
2009-06-09 20:59:19 ET

Art Harris is BY FAR covering this case better than anyone else, with the assistance of Issues with Jane Velez-Mitchell.

Initially, NG {Nancy Grace} was covering this story, but when she thought she might have to “eat crow” and admit she might have been wrong about some presumptions she made early on in the case, she quickly lost interest and went back to where she knew she could be right and bully 100% of the time, because she refuses to admit that she could possibly be wrong. I’ve caught her making simple mistakes all the time, mis-quoting facts people have stated and such and she will cut them off instead of admititng that she could have POSSIBLY have gotten something wrong. I used to be such a big fan of NG, but lately she just turns my stomach with her sarcasm, cutting her guests off before they can speak after asking their opinion, her fake tears, and the TWINS. And I worry about those poor kids safety too…..with her past and current career, I would NEVER put my kids photos up on TV for the world to see day after day. She sees how crazy people are and does this!!! Yikes!

I have started to follow Art Harris’ website within the past couple of months and I will give him credit for being fair and objective and getting his facts straight before writing anything and trying to get all sides of all stories. I look forward to seeing more of him in the future and I give my props to JVM also!!! END QUOTE


Nancy didn’t stop talking about this case because she made an error. The producers realized that because she was horribly wrong in her assessments and propositions, the ratings could be effected negatively. The news you watch is the news they want you to see. Let’s face it, does Nancy really report on anything that is more important for you to know for one day? Do you need to follow an investigation on a daily basis. Of course not. But Nancy Grace and her producers know that the best way to get ratings is two fold. One way is to be right about something. The other way is to sensationalize and attack to the point at which the public becomes passionate. Aimed at the most ignorant of viewers, the Nancy Grace show is nothing more than a circus of stupidity and repetition geared to the most uneducated of masses. Nancy, in an effort to sound judicial, uses words such as “juncture” and “ensue” adnauseam. Yes I actually vomited several times. Why do I watch. I just can’t stop. I mean seriously, if something is excellent, can you stop watching it? This is the most excellent example of complete idiocy I have ever seen. If Nancy had a sincere fiber in her being, she would be incapable of performing in a talking head three ring circus such as this. Why do I feel the need to comment on Nancy Grace? The answer is quite simple. Because she irritates the fuck out of me. She is the best example of the worst and most dangerous reporting. She anesthetizes the ignorant and insures that they will never pay attention to the real news. Why do they need to pay attention to real news? Oh I don’t know, why not ask Benjamen Franklin? He would ban CNN from the face of this earth had he the power to do so. A news organization that touts non-news continuously for the sake of profit and that dominates the air waves with garbage like Nancy Grace’s show should be silenced in the name of freedom of thought. Ironic as it may sound, the “press” is limiting the thought of the less informed by barraging them with “interesting nothingness”. A child being murdered or going missing is indeed a horrible tragedy. Do I need to be informed about it on a minute by minute basis interspersed with the same commercial every time? Worse is the fact that usually, there is nothing new to report and so, we listen to the meaningless, suppositional, repetative, unsubstantiated, discourse that is enhanced with driving music and fancy graphics interfaces designed to maintain attention span. I am truly sorry that this is what is attractive to enough people to justify keeping this woman on the air. This is the definition of “pathetic”.

August 17, 2009 Posted by | Nancy Grace, Uncategorized | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment