The blog of CNN's Nancy Grace

All about Nancy Grace

BOMBSHELL TONIGHT! Will Nancy Grace fall from grace?

href=””>Melinda’s mother, Beth Eubank: “She physically makes me ill. The night she aired the show on September 8th, it was less than four hours since Mindy’s death, family members had not even been notified.”

BOMBSHELL tonight! All you ever wanted was the truth right? “Where was” and now, “Who killed” little Caley Anthony? Nancy Grace of CNN’s Nancy Grace Show that airs on HLN every night at 8 p.m. and 10 p.m. has asked these questions many times. She used to ask, “Where is little Caley?” Being that Caley’s body was: found in a garbage bag, skeleton-ized, chewed upon by animals and beheaded (her skull was found away from the rest of her skeletal remains) makes one wonder exactly how much good The Nancy Grace Show really does in solving mysteries. While Nancy Grace was entertaining those with a hunger for perversity, misfortune, senseless aggression, inappropriate commentary, slanderous accusations and verbal abuse of talking heads, not to mention incoherent questions called in by her carefully screened “guests”, Caley was already dead. Nancy calls upon her experience as a prosecutor for credibility assuming that we should not question her opinions because they are, “based on her experience”, beyond reproach. She makes that clear when any of her guests choose not to agree with her, a choice that is not permissible on her show. Nancy refers to Casey Anthony as “Tot Mom” rarely ever using her actual name. (See quote at start of article for example of Grace’s personal moral code) She wants you to hate Casey with a passion that will drive you to watch tomorrow night. Like a mesmerized automaton, you tune in because you really have no choice. You need her catch phrases, her predictable “take charge” approach to beating down her guests and that way she has of turning Jean Casarez into a dinosaur. “Jenkasaurus weigh in!” Who is Jean Casarez? According to Wikipedia:

Casarez is a member of the Nevada and Texas bars, licensed in the Southern District of Texas Federal Court.[1] She joined Court TV in January 2003 from KOLO-TV in Reno, Nevada, where she was a weekend anchor and legal reporter, before which she produced the news magazine show First Edition and served as the City Hall reporter and fill-in anchor at KENS-TV in San Antonio, Texas.
In addition to her legal background and journalism career, Casarez has recorded six albums in Spanish for the International divisions of CBS and Capitol EMI Records, thus touring throughout the U.S. and Mexico; Casarez was also nominated for numerous awards.

Why does “Jenkasaurus” put up with Nancy? I don’t know. I would like to know why anyone would allow someone to habitually mispronounce their name, and cut them off when they do not like what is being said. But I digress.

It may seem that there is no hope of finding out the truth about how Caley Anthony died. Now that the trial is in it’s summation and everyone who cares about “the case” is watching to see if Casey will be sentenced to death, you know, those with no jobs by choice who sit at home in their “double wide” drinking store brand grape soda and scarfing down mass quantities of generic cheese balls, it is still impossible to postulate a logical or even reasonable theory of how Caley died. Nevertheless, I am going to provide a theory that I believe will finally shed light upon what actually happened. What detectives missed is what was most obvious.

There was a reason that Casey believed she had to get rid of her daughter. It was not the pressure of being a mom that made Casey crack. She had plenty of help taking care of Caley. Casey is a psychopath who thinks only of what is convenient for herself. That’s right–“convenient”. It wasn’t convenient or fun any more having Caley. So this very sick woman, thought night and day of how to end Caley’s life until one day, she did. There were no accidents-no kidnappings and no well planned ideas. Why was Caley’s murder not well planned? It was not well planned because Casey isn’t very smart. If you listen to her talking on the jail tapes it’s clear that she must have a very low IQ. “Dad you’ll always be my buddy”. Gee that’s what every dad wants to hear from his daughter across the bullet proof glass. Her daughter is dead, she’s in jail and she wants her dad to go to sleep by telling him that he’s still her buddy. There’s a woman who had to have lost her place in line when the brains were being passed out. She couldn’t see or didn’t care that George just wanted to hear something -anything that remotely resembled the truth about the whereabouts of his grand daughter. But again I ask why do we really care about this?

Last week Jane V told her audience that they should care and that although there were “people” making commentary about why it isn’t right to care about someone you really don’t know or to follow it faithfully, they were right to care. She referenced the moms out there who care about their children and how they may relate to this awful tale. I DISAGREE Jane. And so should all of you. Watching is nothing more than entertainment. The proof is in the pudding. We can do no good. We can have no effect because we are irrelevant. Moreover, the trial is not educational in any way unless you are studying to be an attorney. I have to admit that I enjoy watching a few minutes here and there for the entertainment value. I don’t delude myself into believing that it is “important” that I know “the facts of the case” however.

Now as we all know, the actual trial of Casey Anthony is on FOX, CNN and MSNBC all day. MSNBC usually splits the screen so you can see Casey Anthony’s face which is very interesting. Thus, anything you see on HLN’s Nancy Grace’s “Tragedy Hour” will be a rehash. Isn’t that what Tivo is for? (Did I spell that right cause I don’t have it). If you really want to know what is happening, why not watch the real thing without all the glorification? Jane you, Nancy and the rest of the “criminologists” on HLN, can not provide anything more than heart wrenching speculation for the masses of lonely, sexually frustrated do-gooders who seek to vicariously bring justice to those who have been wronged. Thus, you are “entertaining” and that is all. If you are reading this and asking “exactly why do I spend so much time at night watching Nancy and Jane when I could actually be spending quality time with my partner or spouse” than work that out. Check the internet any time of the year and you will find millions of registered users on “married and looking” sites. This is because their partners are ignoring them and doing things that aren’t really that important e.g.(watching Nancy Grace talk about nothing important to your life). Life is short. Do you really want to waste it? Do you know how many great things there are in this life to do? You sit there and watch a woman who makes a lot of money talk about people she really knows nothing about in reality, and for what? Entertainment can come in many forms. Does tragedy entertain you? It entertains most people. But if it is your every night focus than you must ask, why. If you watch “the facts” about Casey Anthony through the distorted opinions and speculation of Nancy’s guests who seek their own fame and fortune (Jenkasaurus the friendly dinosaur for example) are you any better than the perps Nancy is fake disgusted by? If you enjoy filling your mind with murder, rape and child abuse what exactly does this say about you. Let’s face it, it isn’t as though there is a Casey Anthony crime wave that we all must be aware of. This is nothing more than a way of making dollars by getting you to watch. And you do. Just as the Roman’s sat and watched the Lions tear apart their human prey with sadistic delight, you turn Nancy on and sit back with a nice bag of cheese balls and a cold can of malt liquor. You make it possible to perpetuate the impossibility of finding an unbiased jury. But do you care?

No one knows if Casey Anthony murdered her daughter; no one ever will know for sure. But as long as there are people who love to see torment and misfortune, horror and sadness, there will always be a Nancy Grace waiting to inspire the worst within all of us-that part of us that needs to see someone less fortunate than ourselves. Putting this in perspective takes a lot of introspection or an event that forces us to look beyond pleasant diversions. Nancy exists to distract us to the extent that we may never see how shallow all of that really is. In the world of true meaning, there is no Nancy. She only exists within the electronic airwaves that permeate the minds of the most ignorant of viewers or those who just have nothing better to do than watch with glee as Nancy regurgitates her repetitive, nauseating catch-phrases to tear jerking images, melodramatic music and three dimensional graphics. Will Nancy Grace fall from grace? I doubt it.

July 3, 2011 Posted by | Casey Anthony, Caylee Anthony, Nancy Grace | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 4 Comments

On Nancy Grace: The Truth about Casey Anthony and Caylee Anthony’s Death.

HLN Nancy Grace show is a nationally syndicated talk show about crime aired each evening at 8 p.m. E.T.

Recently, a woman wrote a comment on The Blog of Nancy Grace in which she stated, “I watch Nancy Grace so I can get the facts of the case,” in reference to Casey Anthony or as Nancy Grace refers to her “tot mom”. I asked her why she needed the facts of “the case” to which I have still not received a reply.

Once a tragedy such as this, the murder of an infant, has been reported, why does anyone other than those actually involved such as attorneys and relatives, need facts about the case? Probably for the same reason they “need to know” how Michael Jackson “really died”. Curiosity and a need for good old entertainment. So if one wants the facts, why would one watch a show that really gives you no facts at all. The Nancy Grace show, most often, has only speculation as in the recent “Haleigh Cummings” sighting that turned out to be nothing more than a person of no credibility wanting a moment of fame.

There could be a lot of reasons you watch HLN’s, Nancy Grace show. Similarly, there could be many reasons you are concerned about The Casey Anthony case. After all, Caylee must not have died in vain. Right? It’s safe to say we all want justice where a little girl has been wronged and in this case brutally murdered. No one deserve that especially an innocent child. But why do you, if you do, take it so personally? There is a family on Word Press that talks about Caylee Anthony every day to get more hits on their blog which showcases their own children. On occasions when they do not discus the Caylee Anthony tragedy, they still have “Caylee Anthony” in their key words. More over, they have all the Anthony family in their tags. Why? Because they want to show you how normal and wonderful their family is.

Nancy Grace once stated that she could not understand how someone would not attend to a hurt child immediately in reference to suspicion that Caylee would have had some accident and been hurt. She followed her comment with the story of how when her son fell and hurt himself, she ran into the street screaming for a cab. So, Nancy actually wanted to let her audience know that she was a better mother than an accused child murderer. Her main point was that you should believe what she says because she’s good. Nancy Grace often thinks like a child with the tongue of a demon. Nancy Grace and her seven personalities, are nothing more than an act playing off of your hunger for “the facts”. She’s right about that; you do want facts. But where ARE the facts? She promises breaking news. Nancy Grace promises facts. She asks, WHERE IS LITTLE ______” But nothing she has done on her show has ever led to finding a missing child.

So, why ARE you concerned with little Caylee? Because Nancy makes it seem that you should be? Everyone should be informed as long as they agree with Nancy Grace “Twin Tot Mom” because even the most prominent defense attorneys are incompetent according to Nancy Grace. Nancy even fake cries to convince everyone that it’s important to know what happened to Caylee Anthony. But what might you say if I told you that it isn’t important that you know nor is it important that I know what happened to Caylee Anthony? I frankly do not care what happened to Caylee: if Casey killed her, what Cindy thinks, what George said or what the trial attorney’s are saying prior to the actual trial. I don’t care what the media has said or will say and I don’t care because in my life it makes no difference and because I can’t make a difference in their lives either.

So once again, why are you concerned with what actually happened to Caylee Anthony? What if Casey did Kill her daughter. How will that change your life? What if Casey is hiding the fact that a “one night stand” killed Caylee? How will that effect you? Here’s one for you. What if Casey’s drug dealer had threatened to kill her if she talked about how Caylee was actually killed? What if her drug dealer was sending her a message by killing Caylee? That’s what I think really happened. Why else would she never speak of the truth to even her closest and dearest relatives? Why were some of Caylee’s most personal effects present with the body and why was a sticker put OVER HER MOUTH? Something over someone’s mouth symbolizes that they should be quiet—-not speak. If this does not look like a message to Casey, what does it mean? So how far fetched is it that she has no choice because if she does reveal the truth, she’ll be killed. I can’t think of any other reason, can you? She probably owed someone a lot of money. This person was waiting for her to pay him or her. The money didn’t come in time to save Caylee. Casey went out partying to try to ignore and forget. Her mind became ill with guilt and defense mechanisms took over. She knew she had causes her daughter’s death and she needed life to be beautiful again, hence her new tattoo. She didn’t kill Casey. But she can’t tell us what really happened. That would be a definite death sentence and possibly for her parents as well. After all, someone already killed her baby.

But, what is the point of knowing? Why do I need to speculate? The answer is quite simple. I don’t. And neither do you. This should be left up to the detectives who are working the case in the real world–not the Nancy Grace entertainment world. That world is more dangerous than we may know. It influences our opinions and thinking such that bad things may come of it. Why?– Because there aren’t real facts being presented.

The Nancy Grace entertainment hour in which she screams at guests and berates parents is brilliant in that it sells commercial time for big money. But, to gain some important perspective, an entertainment hour is really all it is. So when a woman or man tells me “I want to get the facts of the case” I have to laugh. I think they are either stupid or delusional. There are no facts and there really is no “case” at least not in the fantasy world of the Nancy Grace Hour. If you actually care about a child you have never met, never known and who is now deceased enough to crave information on a daily basis, at least get your news from a credible source. I watch Nancy Grace sometimes. Because of this blog, I watch her more often. Although this blog is about Nancy Grace and nothing but Nancy Grace, I still do not watch Nancy Grace every night. I have not watched her show in two nights and I’m sure I didn’t miss a thing. If there was one actual fact revealed about any case on Twin Tot Mom’s show, you could have gotten that same news a day earlier by picking up a paper. If for the first time in the history of the Nancy Grace show, there was actually some breaking news or “urgent breaking news” be sure to let us know. And to my point, that you really don’t need to know anything Nancy Grace talks about during her hour of fame, what makes the “breaking news” so urgent? Is there anything we viewers can do to make the situation better? Do you see the manipulative psychology here? “Urgent” means something that requires immediate attention. So, it makes you feel good about yourself if her producers consider you so important that they call the news they deliver to you “urgent”. It’s urgent that YOU know. And some of you such as the lady who wrote to me who I referenced at the beginning of this article buy into it and think you “need” to know the “facts of the case”

Has our society become so sick that all we can do is eat things that companies tell us are good that actually kill us, watch things that don’t really matter because we think they do and talk about things ad nauseum that we can have no effect on good or bad? My wife went to a European health food store yesterday and purchased many “sweet things” such as cookies and candy and cereal. They have less then 25% of the sugar, on average, than their American produced counterparts. Some of them are from Italy, some from other parts of Europe. Why do Americans eat 80 pounds of sugar / year? Because the companies that advertise tell us to. Why do you care about a child who was murdered that you will never know and never did know? Because someone told you to. In this case it was Nancy Grace.

In short, we have a choice because this is The United States of America. If you let big business that spends millions of dollars on advertising dictate what you eat, do and watch you will have high blood pressure, die of cancer or a heart attack and be a social hermit who relies on sick media like HLN that exists solely to make money by selling advertising, for your perception of reality.

Will you just sit there eating cheese balls and drinking cola? Will you find something in the world that really can help you have a true understanding of your world?Do you know what the senate does? Do you understand what the role of a congressman is? Do you know the name of the Surgeon General of the United States? Probably not, but you do know what Casey Anthony said to Cindy Anthony a month ago.

It’s your turn to talk now. You have the power to not waste time believing that watching something like Nancy Grace is “important”. There are things that are important. Find them.

You have the power to turn off the opium. First you have to see it for what it is. Nancy Grace and Sugar. That’s what I’m talking about. Neither will make you richer or better looking and most importantly, neither will make you more knowledgeable. Quality thought can only come from reading and watching something of quality.

I will be the first person to admit that I like white bread more than any other kind of bread. I even like it with bologna and mayo. Why? Because I was trained to like it. Our children like Count Chocula for the same reason. It’s at their eye level in the supermarket for the same reason. Consumer manipulation. Change is difficult. But in the long run, it really is worth it. Ironically, in endeavoring to become informed, many of us buy into buying into what we’re told we should know, like and buy. After all, if you believe that Nancy Grace brings you any actual “breaking news” you probably would believe it if she told you or if one of her advertisers told you that eating sugar coated sugar is good for you.

So, one reader wrote to me the other day to let me know that she “eats a healthy diet” and she “eats no junk food” She also watches Nancy Grace to get “the facts of the case”. This article is for her. I rest my case.

September 12, 2009 Posted by | Casey Anthony, Caylee Anthony, Nancy Grace | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 16 Comments

Nancy Grace Show: Annie Le Disappears into thin air! / Still no sign of Haleigh Cummings!

Nancy Grace host of HLN’s “Nancy Grace Show” at 8 p.m. EST

The creature of our legal system has raised it’s ugly head. Watch Nancy Grace and see how innocent people are sometimes victimized on the stand, in court. Imagine that you are that person. Imagine that you have been falsely accused. Let’s face it, many people have ended up on death row and as of late, been released after DNA tests have shown that it was, in fact, impossible that they were the person who committed the crime. Prosecutor’s jobs are to question and destroy. Nancy was great at it. Now, she attempts to destroy people on her show. She is also successful there. Please don’t even attempt to convince me that Melinda Duckett would not be alive today were it not for Nancy’s harshness in questioning her when she was obviously emotionally unstable and incapable of rational thought. So if any of you want to question my motives, please don’t. My motives are to inform, entertain and hopefully get some interesting commentary from you. Why is Nancy Grace the topic of this blog. Mainly because people are interested in reading about her. That’s the only reason. I may change the topic of this blog at any time without notice. Until I do, keep reading. Eventually you will see that this blog really has nothing to do with DTM Nancy Grace.

Annie Le, a Yale doctoral student in pharmacology, has not been seen since she left her laboratory Tuesday. Her purse, cell phone, credit cards and money were found in her office. It seems as though Annie has disappeared into thin air. Nancy for once did not scream “WHAT HAPPENED TO ANNIE LE?” I am both pleasantly surprised and a little shocked.

I’m also shocked that the now infamous Massachusetts “sighting” of Haleigh Cummings did not receive a single word on tonight’s Nancy Grace Show on HLN. Is this because she did almost an entire show on some crackpots hallucination and now can’t bear to admit she wasted her viewer’s time. But wait! Double Tot Mom, Nancy Grace did NOT waste our time. After all, we got to see her even though she was talking about some maniacal fairy tale that held no water, for almost an hour. Why doesn’t Nancy show us those famous video tapes from the Wal-Mart now? She and her talking heads could talk about why Haleigh really isn’t on the video and how we were “all” duped. During the show it came out that the little person identified as Haleigh could have been a boy or a girl. Now that’s an ID I’d bet the farm on! Topics will run thin boys and girls! Don’t believe me? Let’s take a look at the rest of tonight’s show.

Nancy informed us that Haleigh Cummings’ father, Ronald Cummings, according to Nancy does not believe his now wife, “Misty” about her whereabouts the night of Haleigh’s disappearance. Alright, I’ll say it. WHERE IS LITTLE HALEIGH?!!!! Misty, as you know flunked all the psychological tests including the lie detector test she was given and continues to change the details of her story about what exactly happened and in what sequence. Was Misty out partying while a stranger or someone they knew came in and snatched her? (driving music just before the commercial)

And now for THE MOST IMPORTANT NEWS OF THE DAY! Nancy has a fan who has a birthday today. She likes to go to Chik fil-A and often dresses up in a cow suit so she can get a free meal! I could not have lived another moment without knowing that.
This had to have been one of the most interesting shows I think I’ve ever seen. I will note that DTM did not say, “What’s your question dear?” even once. She did, however, say, “Dear, what’s your question?” Do you think DTM has been secretly watching this blog?

All I know is, I’m out of cheese balls so, I’m gonna dress up like a Prima Ballerina and go down to the local Sonic for a nice Cherry Lime aide and some peace of mind. It’s nice to think in the car while you eat quality junk food. Is that an oxymoron?

That’s all I’ve got today. Until tomorrow, Goodnight Friend. Yes you are all my friends. Anyone reading this blog is my best friend. You may be a murderer, rapist, drug selling scumbag, but yep, all of you are my friends. Why? I want hits like Nancy wants ratings. It’s what I live for. I hope to sell a book about how I made the most successful blog in history. And I need you. I need you to come here every night and read this crap I write about Nancy Grace. You watch Nancy, so you must need something to do that is both simple and entertaining. I promise to entertain you if you will just keep coming I love you all. Goodnight Friend.

(Music begins) I’m so glad we’ve had this time together. Just to have a laugh or sing a song. Seems we just get started and before you know it. Comes the time we have to say “so long”.

Good night Friend

Casey Anthony Haley Cummings Haleigh cummings trailer Police report Caylee Anthony George Anthony Cindy Anthony tot mom ronald cummings

anthony case anthony trial nancy grace tonight tonight’s show breaking news tonight’s story

September 10, 2009 Posted by | Caylee Anthony, Haleigh Cummings, Nancy Grace | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Nancy Grace Softens Under Pressure?

Nancy Ann Grace (born October 23, 1959) is an American legal commentator, television host, and former prosecutor. She frequently discusses issues from what she describes as a victims’ rights standpoint, with an outspoken style that has won her both praise and condemnation. She is the host of Nancy Grace, a nightly current affairs show on HLN

To anyone watching HLN’s “Nancy Grace Show” last night it looked as though Nancy had taken some time off to think about her demeanor and behavior that many empathetic people have criticized for some time.

Nancy interviewed the father of missing Haleigh Cummings, “Ronald Cummings”
and although the segment was designed to question whether he wondered if his wife Misty knew more than she was admitting about Haleigh’s disappearance, Nancy didn’t use her usual hard line interrogation technique with no regard for the person she is questioning. It was easy to see just how tempting it was for Nancy Grace to fire away at Cummings. After all, he is not the most savory of characters. He lives in a trailer with his minor wife, Misty. He has had numerous problems with law enforcement including a recent episode in which he is accused of assaulting his wifes father and brother in their own home. This was apparently the result of his wife Misty calling and asking her family to pick her up after she claimed that her husband had beat her. Yes I can see how Nancy might have been temped. Clearly, Cummings has violent tendencies. He has reportedly been investigated in the past for beating Haleigh. Now she’s missing. It certainly looks suspicious. But, Nancy controlled herself and asked good questions in a civil but stern tone. Quite frankly I was amazed at the change in her style. She appeared to be more credible than I have ever seen her. There were no talking heads spouting worthless opinions, no screaming or crying antics—just good questions. If in fact, this is the new Nancy Grace, let me say, congratulations Nancy! I hope this trend continues with one exception. Once again, Nancy had to bring “the twins” into the her commentary. She said that if she came home and found out the twins were gone……..etc. Does she need to state how she would feel if her children were gone in order to find out how one of the guest on her show felt when he discovered his child missing. And isn’t the questions a little obvious. Commentators and talk show hosts often ask the obvious. But why must they ask “how did you feel?” Michael Jackson’s daughter was asked shortly after his death how she felt. Does anyone really need to ask? It was obvious the child was in pain.
This is what I call ratings booting at the expense of showing a person proper respect at a difficult time. So, Nancy, you still have a little more work to do. But in general, this last show was a huge improvement.

I am not so presumptuous as to think that Nancy actually reads what I write. And were she to read this article she might be offended by my supposing that she has “softened”. After all, it is safe to deduce based on Nancy’s past shows that she relishes her tough reputation. The point is, it isn’t necessary to be rude and degrading to be tough. I hope that is what she has finally realized. Perhaps we will have another glimpse of her new style tonight. if so, I will have more to say about it later.

September 8, 2009 Posted by | Caylee Anthony, Haleigh Cummings, Nancy Grace | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 11 Comments

CNN’s Nancy Grace Show: Tonight’s guest–Sigmund Freud

CNN's Nancy Grace
According to, “Nancy Grace is on the case”. In an article by author “Peter Johnson”, Grace states about defense attorneys,

“when people say defense lawyers are just doing their jobs and are necessary for our system, you could say that about a lot of people who claim they’re just doing their jobs. You could say that about the guards at Auschwitz.” In the same article Johnson states, “For Grace, anyone who has been charged must be guilty,” TV critic Matt Zoller Seitz wrote last year in The Star-Ledger of Newark, N.J. Grace “never goes a day without blowing a gasket over whatever case she happens to be discussing … throwing journalistic objectivity in the nearest dumpster, slamming defense attorneys as pimps in fancy suits and declaring defendants guilty because, well, they just seem guilty.”

Grace stated in the same interview, “our Founding Fathers wanted courthouses to be big enough for the whole community to come in and watch justice unfold. I think that’s what our whole show is all about.”

Is it any wonder that Fox News powerhouse Bill O’Reilly more than quadruples Nancy Grace’s TV ratings? After all, Grace is so predictable. Just tune in once and you’ve seen every show although sometimes there’s a different victim. And our founding fathers I dare say would be appalled by Nancy Grace and her show. I doubt for even a moment that any of the founding fathers of our great country would have wanted defendants tried in public, unofficially prior to the actual trial with little or no evidence other than the opinion of a woman with an agenda. I seriously doubt the founding fathers would have wanted any media to liken defense attorney’s to “guards at Auschwitz”.

In the name of “ratings” CNN has given up on it’s primary mission; to present news that is objective and unbiased. While news shows have become increasingly more partisan in recent years, how far over the proverbial line must a news show go to be called on the carpet as being dangerous? Calling the Nancy Grace Show “news” is like putting lipstick on a pig. So, why does her following increase? Why does the Nancy Grace Show continue to climb in the ratings? Because ignorant people love to see tragedy. Underdogs love to see “justice” whether it be real or imaginary. And replacing action with talk is what most weak minded people are all about.

Listen to any caller who gets on Nancy Grace’s show. They are carefully screened and hand picked certified morons. They ask questions as though the case is being tried on the air. Well—–it is, at least to them. Sadly, how can this type of legal advertisement for the prosecution not effect a potential jury? I’m not sure CNN or Nancy Grace really have much concern about justice for, had they any conscience they would not presume that anyone is guilty prior to an actual trial. They might examine facts and have conversation but, that would be responsible and the viewers would not like that as much. It’s much more interesting to be angry and cruel to anyone who happens to be down regardless of their guilt of innocence. Let’s face it the “kick em when their down” mentality is what most uneducated people, who do not think with logic or real compassion adhere to. Why? Because it’s easy and it makes them feel they are more important because they are “good”

Until Nancy gets the proper therapy and learns to better deal with her unconscious hostility, she will continue to spew her erroneous testimony about the airwaves. Doing so, will in no way bring her ex Fiance “Keith Griffin” back from the dead. I feel sad for Nancy because, she could learn to have inner peace about her tragedy but instead of seeking it in a healthy and ethical way, she chooses to find guilt around her to punish as though it will mend or negate what happened in her past. The only path to enlightenment is self exploration yet, Nancy is always looking outward; lashing out at everyone she can with fervor and gusto. She relishes her sadistic discourse as in one moment she attacks and in the next she fake cries her way into the hearts of all the professional victims of the world.

Why is this happening? It is happening because you allow it to happen. We all have a voice in this county. Rarely do we find the time to exercise our voices. We prefer to allow our politicians to speak for us. I think they have more important things to do than worry about Grace. But in the long run, what is this type of show doing to our people? The show that makes it look like it’s unsafe to walk down the street and the show that makes one wonder if their own spouse will go crazy at any moment.

It is time to complain politely to CNN and to let them know that we will not stand for this type of hypocritical nonsense– A servant of the law indoctrinating the ignorant into believing that our legal system does not work. We have the best legal system in the world. Yet Nancy in her infinite wisdom has decided that we should hang anyone accused of anything with no trial. Reasonable doubt begins with the word “reason” which is what I think the news could use a lot more of. People may use emotions, feelings, and unsubstantiated opinions to easily convict the innocent. This is the very reason we have a court system and trial by jury. It does not take Sigmund Freud to figure that out. Sigmund Freud

September 7, 2009 Posted by | Casey Anthony, Caylee Anthony, Nancy Grace | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 9 Comments

Hello, Hello, Hello, is anybody out there –Pink Floyd “Bat boy”, tot mom’s lover, (half human half bat) found in cave with Usama Bin Laden and Cindy Anthony: Nancy Grace Reports live on CNN tonight!

I guess I’m getting old. I still listen to the music of the sixties and seventies. I still love all the old bands, like Crosby Stills Nash and Young. I still like Pink Floyd although in some ways, it just isn’t the same because I’ve grown up. I like the new music I hear a lot so apparently I’m not stuck in a time warp like some of the generation that is older than me. You know, those bald or gray guys who are bald on top with pony tails in the back (ewww) who listen to fifties music and find fault with the “younger generation” or worse try to be cool by today’s standards by using terms like ‘i’m down with that” (ewww). Stop it grandpa! I think my generation is different (i’m 52). We don’t talk too much about “those kids today” and we don’t waste time complaining about things as much as our forefathers. I wish however, to complain about one thing. Rap music. Please forgive me if this is your favorite type of music. If it is, you are probably reading the wrong blog. What bothers me the most about Rap music other than it is so one dimentional, is that it is so repititious. It’s better than “Techno music” in my opinion which is nothing BUT repitiioun.

The days of the Eagles and meaninglly melodic music that rocks are pretty much over I think. Astract thought in music like the poetic new age jazz music of Steely Dan seems to have disappeared too. My wife is twenty years younger than me and when I talk to her about some of my favorite music she looks at me with a blank stare. Of course the days of my living for music and listening to it every day are gone because I do this thing called “work” which takes up a surprising amount of my day. But I do listen in the shower and I challenge anyone to show me a song today with more genuine feeling than a Janis Joplin song. Songs of that era had feeling because people sang about imortant issues and love was more important in contrast to war. Drugs also played a major role in music (and that’s still true). But without the important issues which served as a vehicle for young people to express their angst and new identities, music has become mundane, repetitious and just plain blah. Does Kansas or Journey ring a bell for you? Wow is the word that comes to mind. Some of the old bands and artists have hung on. While Joplin and Hendrix and a plethora of others have left us, bands like The Eagles, Crosby Stills Nash and bands like Aerosmith have survived. Recently James Brown died. So did the great Ray Charles. Many young people did not know the significance of their lives in the music they listen to every day. They didn’t see a piece of history passing on. They just saw a news report.

Aren’t there important issues today? Of course there are. In fact there are as many important issues today as there ever were. There is also more than one war going on. So, why the apathy and indifference on the part of our Y generation? It’s called distraction by technology. Texting and emailing and listening to music while playing play station4 is hynotizing our youth. And the effects are evident in the music they listen to and what “sells”. It’s all about dancing or music or being a cool street ghetto dude (like the over glorified inner city struggle is so so cool).

Walter Cronkite is dead. And so is non-sensationalistic honest non-partisan honest journalism. I don’t blame young people for not watching the news. After all, other than a few good reporters like Anderson Cooper Of CNN, who can we count on to inform us? So young people are disillusioned with news today. It is so slanted and so partisan and so sensationalistic that all it really does is inspire depression and apathy. While technology has promoted an inability to realate on a human level with others, news has promoted a “who cares” attitude. Some shows that tout themselves as “finding justice” or “news you can use” are nothing more than entertainment for people who like to witness misery. (Nancy Grace would be a good example of the worst kind of jounalism in America) I just wish that before Walter had died he had commented on shows like Nancy Grace. I would have loved to hear what he had to say.

If Walter Cronkite were young again and a news anchor in America, would he talk about the same thing for weeks while bringing you fifteen minutes of actual news? Would he talk about his children and show pictures of them? Would he fake cry about something that is “sad”? Imagine Walter Cronkite screaming a dinasaur’s name and asking her for a comment “JENKASAURUS—–WEIGH IN!!!!” Would Walter Cronkite use dehumanizing terms such as ” tot mom” instead of a person’s name? I don’t think so. Is it any wonder that our children do not care in the least about watching the “NEWS”??

So, how can any song be important or relevant or have genuine feeling and emotion when we have created generations of people who shun emotions because they see them as “fake” I can just see Nancy Graces twins when they start to talk, having a conversation that would go something like this: “Hey Lucy, where’s tot mom? Lucy: “she aint here cause she’s on the tv with Jenkasauraus”. “Oh ok. Well, I don’t like Jenkasaurus as much as Barney do you? She should go on TV with Barney.” “Yeh, yer right!” Johnny: “well can I play with yer doll?” “Which one” “Baby doe” “Baby doe? no, she’s my favorite! I have her hidden so she don’t get abducted by wunna them maniacs tot mom is always talkin about” Oh come on Nancy Tot Mom done tole us that that don’t really happen too much!”

You know, as I am writing, I just realize that Nancy is a “tot mom” and it is only right that we use this label for her since she is so fond of using it on others. So, henceforth, I shall and you should refer to Nancy Grace as “The tot mom” and only “the tot mom” or “tot mom”. She will appreciate it. Believe me.

Other than that, I’m about to hop on a plane and get comfortably numb. I’ll get home just in time to watch the 1 a.m. tot mom report. I hear there’s some breaking news that’s over three months old and I don’t want to miss it.

August 20, 2009 Posted by | Nancy Grace | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment