The blog of CNN's Nancy Grace

All about Nancy Grace

Hello, Hello, Hello, is anybody out there –Pink Floyd “Bat boy”, tot mom’s lover, (half human half bat) found in cave with Usama Bin Laden and Cindy Anthony: Nancy Grace Reports live on CNN tonight!

I guess I’m getting old. I still listen to the music of the sixties and seventies. I still love all the old bands, like Crosby Stills Nash and Young. I still like Pink Floyd although in some ways, it just isn’t the same because I’ve grown up. I like the new music I hear a lot so apparently I’m not stuck in a time warp like some of the generation that is older than me. You know, those bald or gray guys who are bald on top with pony tails in the back (ewww) who listen to fifties music and find fault with the “younger generation” or worse try to be cool by today’s standards by using terms like ‘i’m down with that” (ewww). Stop it grandpa! I think my generation is different (i’m 52). We don’t talk too much about “those kids today” and we don’t waste time complaining about things as much as our forefathers. I wish however, to complain about one thing. Rap music. Please forgive me if this is your favorite type of music. If it is, you are probably reading the wrong blog. What bothers me the most about Rap music other than it is so one dimentional, is that it is so repititious. It’s better than “Techno music” in my opinion which is nothing BUT repitiioun.

The days of the Eagles and meaninglly melodic music that rocks are pretty much over I think. Astract thought in music like the poetic new age jazz music of Steely Dan seems to have disappeared too. My wife is twenty years younger than me and when I talk to her about some of my favorite music she looks at me with a blank stare. Of course the days of my living for music and listening to it every day are gone because I do this thing called “work” which takes up a surprising amount of my day. But I do listen in the shower and I challenge anyone to show me a song today with more genuine feeling than a Janis Joplin song. Songs of that era had feeling because people sang about imortant issues and love was more important in contrast to war. Drugs also played a major role in music (and that’s still true). But without the important issues which served as a vehicle for young people to express their angst and new identities, music has become mundane, repetitious and just plain blah. Does Kansas or Journey ring a bell for you? Wow is the word that comes to mind. Some of the old bands and artists have hung on. While Joplin and Hendrix and a plethora of others have left us, bands like The Eagles, Crosby Stills Nash and bands like Aerosmith have survived. Recently James Brown died. So did the great Ray Charles. Many young people did not know the significance of their lives in the music they listen to every day. They didn’t see a piece of history passing on. They just saw a news report.

Aren’t there important issues today? Of course there are. In fact there are as many important issues today as there ever were. There is also more than one war going on. So, why the apathy and indifference on the part of our Y generation? It’s called distraction by technology. Texting and emailing and listening to music while playing play station4 is hynotizing our youth. And the effects are evident in the music they listen to and what “sells”. It’s all about dancing or music or being a cool street ghetto dude (like the over glorified inner city struggle is so so cool).

Walter Cronkite is dead. And so is non-sensationalistic honest non-partisan honest journalism. I don’t blame young people for not watching the news. After all, other than a few good reporters like Anderson Cooper Of CNN, who can we count on to inform us? So young people are disillusioned with news today. It is so slanted and so partisan and so sensationalistic that all it really does is inspire depression and apathy. While technology has promoted an inability to realate on a human level with others, news has promoted a “who cares” attitude. Some shows that tout themselves as “finding justice” or “news you can use” are nothing more than entertainment for people who like to witness misery. (Nancy Grace would be a good example of the worst kind of jounalism in America) I just wish that before Walter had died he had commented on shows like Nancy Grace. I would have loved to hear what he had to say.

If Walter Cronkite were young again and a news anchor in America, would he talk about the same thing for weeks while bringing you fifteen minutes of actual news? Would he talk about his children and show pictures of them? Would he fake cry about something that is “sad”? Imagine Walter Cronkite screaming a dinasaur’s name and asking her for a comment “JENKASAURUS—–WEIGH IN!!!!” Would Walter Cronkite use dehumanizing terms such as ” tot mom” instead of a person’s name? I don’t think so. Is it any wonder that our children do not care in the least about watching the “NEWS”??

So, how can any song be important or relevant or have genuine feeling and emotion when we have created generations of people who shun emotions because they see them as “fake” I can just see Nancy Graces twins when they start to talk, having a conversation that would go something like this: “Hey Lucy, where’s tot mom? Lucy: “she aint here cause she’s on the tv with Jenkasauraus”. “Oh ok. Well, I don’t like Jenkasaurus as much as Barney do you? She should go on TV with Barney.” “Yeh, yer right!” Johnny: “well can I play with yer doll?” “Which one” “Baby doe” “Baby doe? no, she’s my favorite! I have her hidden so she don’t get abducted by wunna them maniacs tot mom is always talkin about” Oh come on Nancy Tot Mom done tole us that that don’t really happen too much!”

You know, as I am writing, I just realize that Nancy is a “tot mom” and it is only right that we use this label for her since she is so fond of using it on others. So, henceforth, I shall and you should refer to Nancy Grace as “The tot mom” and only “the tot mom” or “tot mom”. She will appreciate it. Believe me.

Other than that, I’m about to hop on a plane and get comfortably numb. I’ll get home just in time to watch the 1 a.m. tot mom report. I hear there’s some breaking news that’s over three months old and I don’t want to miss it.

August 20, 2009 Posted by | Nancy Grace | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment